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Monday, January 25, 2010

Brother, Wake Up!

That feeling of something new and different about to happen crawled through my body, as mom scrammed around that morning assisting everyone in getting dressed for the first day of school. It was, also, my daddy's first day of school, as a teacher.

It was time to leave. Daddy strutted towards his brand new green Plymouth. I must mention that this was in the 70s. A green Plymouth automobile was totally cool.

Once Daddy, my brother, and I, got into the car, a new journey began for us all.

We arrived at this place that seemed somewhat like a castle to me.

Once parked, Daddy took my brother and me by the hand and lead us along the outter sidewalks.

I curiously looked around. UHM, somethings different. OH, none of the children looked like my brother or me. None of the adults looked like my daddy, either.

Wow, man. In the pre school that I attended there were only kids that looked similar to me. I felt a little weird. My brother didn't seem to notice. He just went wherever daddy pulled him.

Before long, Daddy was at the door of a classroom. There appeared in the doorway a little, wrinkly women that was just a little taller than me. She had her hair pulled back into a bun. She peered at me with twinkly blue eyes. She kinda reminded me of Mrs. Claus.

Daddy, told me that he would see me later. My new teacher then lead me into the classroom. I slid behind the desk. It was occupied with three books. My name was written across the desk in black ink on a piece of tape.
Soon, other children began to arrive. I was too scared to look back. SHE WOULD PUT ME IN FRONT, I thought, sarcastically.

Once the class was full, the teacher went to the front of the classroom to introduce herself. I looked to the right, and then to the left. Still, I saw no one that looked like me.

After, getting a little comfortable, I turned to see what was behind me. When I looked, there was this brown haired, freckled face, little boy, with green eyes. He then stuck out his tongue and made a face at me. I quickly turned around.

It was time to go out for recess. By this time, I'd met a friend named Laura. She was tiny, skinny, with platinum blond hair, and weird brown eyes. For some reason she stuck to me like glue.

On the playground, Laura and I jumped rope to Straw Berry Short Cake.
I even spotted my brother climbing up the monkey bars. In the corner of the playground, sat an adult women with coal black hair, pale skin,and rather thin legs. She was sitting in a brown, wooden chair.

I continued to jump rope until I caught a sudden movement in the corner of my eye. Oh, MY GOD! My brother was falling from the top of the monkey bars. His head bounced on each bar as he tumbled towards the concrete bottom. I could see his head bounce like a ball on the concrete surface below. I saw his lifeless little body lying there with no movement. I instinctively ran towards him. It seemed as though I was moving in slow motion. I could see that women in the corner of the playground stand, look, and then turn around to sit back down.

Once I got to my brother, I pulled him with all of my strength. It seemed as though I wasn't moving him fast enough. He was too heavy.

From out of nowhere, appeared an angel. There stood the little brown haired, freckle faced, green eyed boy from my classroom. He began to frantically tug along with me.

Somehow we got my brother to the nurses door at the front of the school.

Upon opening the door to the Nurses Station, the nurse scooped my unconscience brother up into her arms. She, repeatedly, asked for his name. I finally answered. She then had my daddy paged to the office.

I sat across the room watching a huge lump grow on my brother's forehead. He still wasn't moving. I whispered for him to wake up, but he didn't hear me, and he still didn't move. I could do nothing, but hurt inside and hope for him to wake up.

Daddy, ran through the door, peered at my brother, and instructed me to go to another room near the principal's office. I didn't want to leave my baby brother until he woke up, but I obeyed my daddy.

Well, my brother got better. I still continue to wonder why the women from the playground fail to help my brother.

As much as I could remember, there was a meeting held. I don't remember seeing that lady on the playground anymore.

The little brown haired, freckled faced boy from my classroom received an
honorary award for helping that day.

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