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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Waiting on Sunday Morning

Dana got off of the bus, walked home with her two sisters, got to the door of her home, and dreaded going past the threshold. She knew from all of the other Fridays that this was the beginning of hell for she and her sisters.

Friday night . This was the time that her dad would unwined from a long week of dealing with whatever he dealt with at the office. All week he was the perfect employee and the perfect dad, but Friday night all would change. This was the night that her dad would fill his glass with his favorite alcoholic drink. The glass would continue to fill until the dawning of Sunday morning.

Once the affect of the alcohol would take , a whole otherside of the universe would show it's darker face. The screaming, the thumps, the crying would start on the opposite side of the bedroom door as Dana and her sisters would huddle in fear.  They were too scared to reach out to their mother who wailed , as the sound of fist hitting flesh, would rang through the air like a scratched record.

Then, Saturday night would come. On this night, their dad and mom would go out,  but her dad never leaving behind the glass filled with the alcoholic drink.

Dana, dreaded this night more than any night because she and her sisters would be left over to the neighbor's house. There were always strange men there with Ms.Izzie. When Dana and her sisters would try to sleep in the back room on the pallets made for them, sometimes some of those men would slip into the darkness and touch them in places that were forbidden. Those  men always wispered to the girls not to tell.  So, Dana, along with her sisters, never said a word for the fear that next time would be worse.

At about 2am, Dana's dad and mom would arrive to pick them up. Dana knew that there would be no peace until dawn. The screams would began, the sounds of  home decoratives would be thrown from their places. As quickly as it all started, it would all stop right before dawn. This was what Dana and her sisters waited on, prayed for, and looked forward to. It was Sunday morning. There was a silence that echoed in the depth of Dana's soul.  This was the morning that the church bus would take them away from that threshold of hell into the threshold of peace and calm and joy. Waiting on Sunday morning was Dana's and her sisters' salvation.

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